You wouldn’t expect to hear from me at this time of year but I need to advise you of significant news, especially those who visited the facility of Border Ospreys at Lanton Mill.

Very sadly, the Born in Scotland restaurant and shop have been forced to close with immediate effect due to the ongoing financial pressure that is affecting so many small businesses in the country. As you may be aware, a monitor was set up in the restaurant which allowed visitors to watch what was happening in the nest during the osprey season and this facility is obviously affected by today’s announcement.

It is too early to say what will happen in the future and I will be chatting to the owner in the weeks to come about his plans. My monitoring of the nest will hopefully continue and I will keep the blog going if this is the case. I also hope that visitors will still have access to the riverside walks so that people can still see these magnificent birds “in the feather”.

I will update you as soon as I know any more. The most important thing is that the birds will be unaffected.

17 thoughts on “SAD NEWS

  1. So dreadfully sad to hear of a small business having to close. I wonder how many more will need to follow suit.
    I am sure the ospreys are well know in our area and people will want to see how they progress in next year.


  2. So sorry to hear the sad news. We have always enjoyed our trips there and hearing all your updates Rosie. Fingers crossed that something can be worked out so you can continue to monitor the nest. Thank you for all your hard work over the years.
    Ingrid, Shayne & Mario


    1. I’ll do my best to sort something out. Ideally I’d like to still provide something for visitors to see what’s going on but that all depends on the owner and his plans. Thank you for all your support. I’ve always enjoyed our chats.


  3. Hi Rosie. I was just sending a comment to Born in Scotland when your message popped up. So sad to hear this. It has always been our first go to walking place when we come down. We are closing up this week till March but I will be watching closely for any messages about the ospreys returning and I certainly hope we will still be able to walk along the river in both directions. Enjoy your winter and hope to meet up again in spring. Linzi Ian and Bramble xx


  4. Thank you Rosie, it is very sad to hear this news, but not altogether a surprise in todays climate. I do hope the monitoring can continue and that access to the river will be allowed
    Best wishes
    Gill Hallsworth


  5. Hi Rosie,
    I am so sorry to learn about the closure of Born in Scotland. It must have been a difficult decision, though totally understandable given these terrible economic times in which we live (here in the U.S. too). I hope the owner and staff will be ok. Please keep us posted about the cam – at least there is almost 5 months before the Ospreys return. Take care, and thank you for your wonderful posts. Lisa


  6. I am so sorry to read your sad news, Rosie. I really hope a new home can be found for the live cam, and we can continue to hear your news about the nest. Thoughts are with you.

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